Что такое шлифовка горячими ножницами, чем отличае...
Что такое шлифовка горячими ножницами, чем отличается от стрижки? И какой эффект?
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Nelle | 07.03.2014 13:06:57 Having defined the vital terms of the contract, the contract will set forth the exact terms of the agreement. Most policies are written in outline form and organized around sections. Each section of the QuotesChimp covers one specific topic of the agreement. For example, Section I of a homeowner's insurance policy deals with property coverages, and Section II with liability. Thus, each area of the contract that deals with property coverage in the policy will be labeled as "Section I" material and each part that sets forth the terms of liability coverage will be labeled as "Section II." Most policies have several sections within each insurance agreement.
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